The Private Journals of Cabot Orly

Cabot Orly's personal journals on his travels through Faerûn.

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Location: Arvada, Colorado, United States

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Day 11 - Land Ho!

Found land today. Landed on the beach. All of us walked along the shore collecting water, firewood, and food (thank goodness! We were running so low on rations.) We decided to rest for the night on dry land, so we made camp.

Sometime in the middle of the night, while I was on on watch, I heard some noises deeper into the forest we were camped near. I quickly woke everyone. Gaius started yelling "Hello" in several languages (I recognized a couple of them). Someone actually responded in some gutteral language I had never heard. Gaius told me it is known as "Beastman". 8 "Beastmen" walked out of the woods to the west of us. Gaius related the conversation to me later. He cast he spell he calls "Dancing Lights".

The Beastmen claimed that they had owned the island we were on for 2 moons. A 9th beastman walked out of the woods, larger than any of the others, and apparently their leader. The leader was clearly impressed with Gaius' command of magic. He asked Gaius to stay and teach his knowledge of arcane magic to their Shaman. We figured out that they wanted Gaius to stay for 1 year. After some discussion, Gaius convinces the leader that all of us should be allowed to stay. He agrees, but insists that we should trade our women during that time. I nearly vomited at that suggestion. I would have felt bad for Raine and Talia, as well as the rest of us. They looked like wolves walking on two legs. I couldn't even imagine bedding a wolf-creature for a year. Gaius declined the offer, but the Shaman wanted our leader to fight their leader. An arguemtn ensued and even Raine started making threats to the Beastmen. In the escalating confusion, Talia and I started packing what we could and carried the chest and our gear back toward the boat. They started speaking Elven at that point (I could now understand them!) and the Shaman calmed things down. The Shaman wished us peace and a safe journey and did not want to see a battle between our "clans". He gave Gaius a flaming coin and a piece of their tribal flag. We were welcomed to return when we could spend the time teaching them.

We finished packing the boat and departed in the middle of the night.


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