The Private Journals of Cabot Orly

Cabot Orly's personal journals on his travels through Faerûn.

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Location: Arvada, Colorado, United States

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Day 10 - Mildred reappears

This morning, I noticed another note pinned to the front of Tasha's (Mildred's?) chest. It was signed "Aloundo of Candlekeep". I'll have to copy it down later. Gaius and I decide to sail for Candlekeep and try to learn more about this message. It takes some effort, but we finally convice the captain and his senior staff that there are probably many women in a city called Candlekeep, since women love candles. They agree to sail there.

Mildred appeared for the first time since we set sail. He seemed to be drunk or half asleep or something. He kept speaking in a very strange language. Gaius seems to know many languages, but even he was confused by Mildred's ramblings. Some phrases I recall (as best as I can render them):

"Skras nak phrestaferoos"
"Lakanthropolus" - he made a comment when he said this: "All beasts banished"

Mildred was floating(!!!) above the chest as he spoke all of this. He gave Gaius a pebble. I'll have to ask him about that sometime. Later that evening, Talia looked like she was in great pain and almost passed out at one point.


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