The Private Journals of Cabot Orly

Cabot Orly's personal journals on his travels through Faerûn.

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Location: Arvada, Colorado, United States

Friday, March 03, 2006

Day 1.4 - Festival

The three of us finally found Mylon in the village temple. Mylon frequently prays there, which has always confounded me. Never lifting his head from prayer, Grandpa greeted each of us. I told him about Gaius and Rain arriving from Sembia in search of Talia. He sighed heavily. He told us that it was time for the three of us to leave the isles. He ordered me to pack the Guild books and be gone from the isles before sunrise. He refused to explain any further. Chupa was only looking a little green this time. I think he's starting to accept that everything the elders have taught us have been lies. Or else he just isn't listening to us any more.

Talia left to talk to Kaima while Chupa found some crates to help me pack the library. After keeping the Guild's library secret from even my closest friends for the last 10 years, it was very strange to see someone other than Grandpa in the hidden stone room under the Temple of Hope. We were nearly finished when the festival started. I grabbed my lute and played for the village for an hour or so while Chupa ate and flirted with some of the older girls in the village. I saw Talia dancing on the far side of the square. Talia finally made her way over to us and told us that she had discovered something that she wanted us to see. Lennin and Carte took over the musical festivities. We snuck away without anyone noticing.

Talia took us into the store room beneath her family hut. We had played down here for years, but that night I realized how odd it is to have perfectly carved stone room beneath a hut built upon sand. Such a room should never be found underground so close to the beach. Back in a dark corner stood a chest that had never been there before. Inscribed upon the lid were the words "Lady Tasha".

Talia told us that her mom had begged her not to open the chest; that she didn't want us to leave. She said that Kaima had opened the chest briefly, but a cold wind rushed out and she slammed the lid shut. Talia said she knew that she must open it, especially after our conversation with Gaius just a few hours earlier. We all agreed that she should open the chest. She freed the latch. The lid shot open. A horrible smell greeted us all.


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