The Private Journals of Cabot Orly

Cabot Orly's personal journals on his travels through Faerûn.

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Location: Arvada, Colorado, United States

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Day 1.1 - Arrival

Strangers arrived today. Now nothing will be the same.

Talia, Chupa and I were discussing the contents of one of my grandfather's books in the hidden glade deep in the forest. Talia had some trouble with some of the places I mentioned, although the name Faerûn gave her only the slightest pause. Chupa couldn't accept anything I told him and insisted I stop contradicting the teachings of the elders and "Lady Hope". Instead, I told him about some of the old gods of our world: Torm, Tyr, Shallya, and Talos. Talia was most interested in Tyr. She seemed to have, at least, heard the name before.

Kaima burst into the clearing and distrupted our discussions. I don't know how she found us, but she didn't seem to hear us speaking in our secret language. "A ship is approaching from the south-east!" she yelled at us. That's almost impossible, according the the elders. Llewellyn is supposed to be the southern-most village on the eastern-most island of the Isles. "Nothing but the edge of the world and a horrible death await those that sail south or east," they teach.

Knowing that Kaima wouldn't leave us alone if we didn't follow her, we ran back to the shore to see the new arrivals. Neither Chupa nor I could see anything at first, but Talia immediately saw a ship far on the horizon. We sent Kaima back to fetch the elders while we waited for the boat to draw closer. Soon, all of us could clearly see the boat and the tiny figures standing on the bow.

After a time, some of the older villagers arrived and assessed the situation. They insisted that the boat most have gotten lost in a storm or swept away by the currents. All agreed that they were lucky to still be alive. We were shooed from the shore, but knew we could hide in the treeline to see the new arrivals. The wait seemed to last forever.


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