The Private Journals of Cabot Orly

Cabot Orly's personal journals on his travels through Faerûn.

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Location: Arvada, Colorado, United States

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Day 1.5 - The Chest

We all jumped as a box near the door fell off its shelf and crashed on the floor. It is the strangest creature any of us have ever seen. It was covered in hard spikes, even over its eyes. It was only about a foot long and seemed to make slight groaning or whimpering noises. It seemed very young. All 3 of us gathered around the creature trying to figure out what it was. Gaius refered to it as an "imp" and felt it was hungry, so Raine went upstairs and shot a Robin in a nearby tree. Gaius tossed it to the creature, which gobbled it up hungrily. Then the strangest thing I have seen since strangers landed upon our beach.... the creature started to grow. Gaius was startled by such a growth spurt so he threw an empty crate on top of it. Talia insisted it was evil, but I didn't think we should harm it without knowing more about it. While Talia, Raine, and I argued over the fate of the creature, Gaius started searching through the rest of the chest. This caught Talia's eye, but he slammed the lid closed before she could reach him. Gaius looked incredibly sick.

About this time, I noticed a parchment on the floor. I have no idea where it came from. I'll copy here later

Anyway, Talia opened the chest again, but it was Chupa that looked into it and pulled out a red cloth. Then strangest of all, he started talking to the chest. I would find out soon enough. A creature, uglier and smellier than the first crawled slowly out of the chest. After talking to it for a while, Gaius and Chupa learned that it was called "Mildred Snoot". It seemed to recognize Talia and Gaius, although both of them swear they have never seen Mildred before. It talked about being asleep for a few days and it seemed to know Tasha and Astral (the latter was an ancestor of Gaius). The rumblings from the crate I was sitting on (with the imp) caught Mildred's attention and he started to panick. He started screaming "Tarrekus! Kill the Tarrekus!" Gaius responded immediately by pushing me off the crate (I was taken by surprise!) and throwing balls of light at the imp. I tried to stab it with my knife, but I don't think I did much damage. (I guess it was Mildred's insistance that made me change my mind.) Even Raine started shooting it with her bow. The imp stopped moving, so Gaius grabbed it and threw it back in the chest. The lid slammed shut and the chest jumped around for several minutes. Mildred finally crawled back out of the chest looking fat and sickly. I guess he ate it???

We finally decided that we needed to leave as quickly as possible. Gaius and I went back to the temple to retreive the crate of books Chupa and I had packed. Ophala, Temple Elder stopped me and was visibly angry that I was leaving. She said that Gaius and Raine should leave immediately and I should stay. Otherwise horrible changes would come to the islands and it would all be our fault. She seemed to know of the books grandpa and I studied and guarded. I don't know how she knew, but she indicated that she wasn't a fool and knew everything that happened in the temple. I tried to be respectful, but I can't be a slave to a made-up goddess and to lies about the true nature of the world. It is an insult to my family and the guild. We gathered my belongings and headed back to Gaius' hut. In the meantime, Chupa, Talia and Raine dragged Tasha's chest to the hut. I guess Chupa said goodbye to his girlfriend, and she said some hateful things toward Talia. They didn't say much more than that.

We finally loaded everything on the ship (undisturbed by any villages, yet again) and departed the islands for good... I think.


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